Yuggi ! is going great !! 2nd in IIMA too .. he is simply great .. Learn something from yuggi .. he is amazing.
Also Abhi is amazing ..
1 TA
2 EE courses (registered)
2 EE courses(audit)
1 bio course
1 quant phyics course
2 Econ courses
jacuzzi /spa
indoor soccer
daily drinking and eating out
... and the list goes on !
Monday, September 20, 2004
Today just after the lab. meeting i am very charged up. Basically i feel that in UCI i have learned few very important things. The things i was missing so much. Yes ! i learned and i learned them in the fist quarter itself. Those were..
Importance of time : Courtsey Prof. Robin Joshi, TSE
Concentration and Questioning : Classes, swimming
Timeline and Planning to get it well ahead of time: Courses
Decision Making : Spandan
Talking : Kaustubh
If i am able to just incorporate a few of these missing things it would be very good ...
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Today is paryushan parv, teaches you a lot of good things. Yes, when you actually say michami dukdam to somebody you really feel something changing inside you. I am feeling great. Hey !!
i updated my signature today ..
"Work Hard, Play Hard, Party Hard ... never worry ..just love and enjoy whatvever life has for you. -mohit"
Isn't it good.
And yes ... I talked to my sis's again today and no stories from my side .. nothing. Now i should start thinking of somethings to tell them. There are a lot of things to tell them, discuss with them, a lot of interesting stories to tell, but every week is passing just fruitless. Ok let me start to tell something good from next time. I should be just short of time. I should make them see US from my eyes .. thats the way it should be.. isn't it.
Sunday, September 05, 2004
The basics behind success are very simple..
Never waste time... Enjoy your work .... Work with concentration... Be true friend ... Humbleness and Simplicity ... Take right decisions ... Be Responsible, Concerned and courageous
Ok let me follow this .... hehe
Importance of a Coach: He will kick you if you miss a single work-out or if you make half hearted tries.
But you know !! i think that whatever has happened is all good. I have really enjoyed my time at UCI. Some time for myself. Letting myself think whatever i want giving all the time and attention. Doing a lot of things that came to my mind on a fly. Trying to find my rhythm at my work and study and seeing where, what and why things go wrong. Found a lot more intricate things about the way i should work. Sort of fine tuning all those remaining things or joining all the missing links. So now for me, Its just a matter of putting it all together and following.
And i should remember that i am the mohit who was not looking for some univ. etc. I had decided to live my life truely and honesty listening to my heart. Never worrying about the situations, rather living each moment of life with heart and courage. Never caring about whether i am good or bad at something, or whether i am winning or loosing, just giving my best and enjoying and laughing at whatever i get out of it. Proud of my decisions whatever they are, cause they are my decisions. Being may be not the best at something but being the best learner or even if not that being very happy about whatever i am. Living the life as if today was the last day of my life.
Today i should reiterate what i said to myself once. Whatever may be the situation, i would always live it with full heart. Try my level best. Would never compromise on my principles and beliefs. The path of my journey is more important, cause when i reach my goal i don't want to look back and be unhappy about it. And i decided to enjoy every bit and piece of my life and love and respect myself and beleive in myself.
Forget about whatever happened in a fraction of a second... and right on to my next venture.
Saturday, September 04, 2004
Today i am feeling a bit bad. I have taken some very bad decisions in my life lately. And the resoning which i used in taking those decisions was really .... i don't like it. Basically why did i come to UCI ? When my seniors and now my juniors are going to the top 10 and 20 univs, and i took UCI. My reasoning was that i am not going to work in US so why does the university in US matters and I have IIT for india. But the bad part was the fear that even if i am graduating from the best university and then i am not able to perform according to the expextations, then its no use. I was basically a bit scared that after i pass from say the best univ. i would not be able to live up to the expectations from me. I thought that , then i would go to another very competitive place cause of the univ. and i would be stuck for ever under the pressure to perform. So i toned down my level. This way i can enjoy my life and work also. basically working at a level just below my capacity i would get such a lot of time for myself to live my life and think about things i want to do in my life and how i want it to go.
YES! i have got that but nooo ... this is not what i want.
I could have easily been in any top 10 univ., and yes it matters to me, it matters to me a lot. I am a person who wants only the best, compromises don't fascinate me at all. I have made some compromises earlier and i don't want them anymore. If there is a very hard path and a easy path and if one leads to 2nd place and the other to 1st, i want the hard path. I want to fight and fight my best to get what i want, so that when i get it ,if i get it, i am not half happy thinkng that "this was not actually what i wanted".
Coming to my decision of UCI, i should have gone for the medal and CPI , rather then thinking that carrer is that what's more important. Huuuh!! i had all the time in the world to build my career, but that medal was once in the life opportunity. I should have worked hard on my courses, BTP, sports, managment at IITg. I could have gone for a year of job at some company and then could have come to the best univ. in the world. That way i would have much better academic record, satisfaction of completing my work properly, and working in one of the best univ. of world.
A problem is that at times i have not beleived in myself. I had that ability when i joined Undergrad, i also had that ability when i joined masters. And yes, if you want to be at that level you have to work hard, everything dosen't come easy. Basically if you want to work at a level competitive for you, you have to strain yourself a bit. Don't run away ... face it.. its fun.
Lets see what i do now...