Sunday, September 05, 2004

But you know !! i think that whatever has happened is all good. I have really enjoyed my time at UCI. Some time for myself. Letting myself think whatever i want giving all the time and attention. Doing a lot of things that came to my mind on a fly. Trying to find my rhythm at my work and study and seeing where, what and why things go wrong. Found a lot more intricate things about the way i should work. Sort of fine tuning all those remaining things or joining all the missing links. So now for me, Its just a matter of putting it all together and following.

And i should remember that i am the mohit who was not looking for some univ. etc. I had decided to live my life truely and honesty listening to my heart. Never worrying about the situations, rather living each moment of life with heart and courage. Never caring about whether i am good or bad at something, or whether i am winning or loosing, just giving my best and enjoying and laughing at whatever i get out of it. Proud of my decisions whatever they are, cause they are my decisions. Being may be not the best at something but being the best learner or even if not that being very happy about whatever i am. Living the life as if today was the last day of my life.


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